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- Orange hydrosol is the product resulting from the steam distillation of orange peels. Sometimes, it is referred to as orange water. It contains a small percentage of essential oils, as well as the water-soluble components of the plant material. It retains the same properties as the essential oil, but it is much better and much safer to use also.
- For hair conditioning, you need a high-speed blender, add 1 cup of shea butter, ¼ cup of hydrosol, and 2 tbsp pure aloe vera gel. Now grind it on high speed until you form a creamy mix. Add more hydrosol if necessary and blend again. Now you can use it on your skin.
- For cleaning sensitive skin, mix ¼ cup liquid soap and ¾ cup hydrosol in a measuring cup. Transfer the mixture into a foaming soap dispenser bottle and shake it well to combine. You have to use it twice a day.
- The orange skin normally has a lot of citric acids. The citric acid in the orange hydrosol is very effective for exfoliating the skin. It works as an effective natural cleanser. It also helps get rid of the grime and dirt on your face.
- Before using Orange hydrosol on the skin, always do a patch test before use. We also advise asking your doctor as the citrus in orange hydrosol can cause a reaction to those with citrus allergies or for those with sensitive skin.
- It is for external use only.
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