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- Lemon hydrosol is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits. When applied to the skin, in either skincare products or directly sprayed on the face — these benefits are passed on your skin. Lemon Hydrosol makes great soothing and refreshing facial toners.
- Lemon Hydrosol can be used in lotions, creams, bath preparations, or straight on the skin. They provide mild tonic and skin cleansing properties and are normally safe for all skin types.
- Spray the Lemon Hydrosol on clean face or hands until saturated, and pat for ample hydration. For adding moisture to your skin, follow with gently massaging nourishing facial oil into the skin, and finish with another mist of your hydrosol to lock in moisture.
- People can also use this liquid at places that were needed during cleansers and toner manufacturing process.
- Lemon Hydrosol is used in creams, lotions, and other bath preparation and can be applied directly to the skin, which acts as a natural toner.
- Lemon hydrosol is used in the treatment of several skin problems like greasy skin, acne-prone skin, cellulite, varicose veins, etc. It is used in the treatment of various scalp-related diseases.
- It is a mild tonic that has skin-cleansing properties and also relieves blood circulation problems.
- Lemon hydrosol is vastly used in aromatherapy, and hence it helps in energizing, uplifting, and cheering of human mood.
- It is for external use only.
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